Thank you for visiting our web page. We invite you to explore the site and get to know us. We are a growing- church with a passion for knowing God more fully and seeking to live out our faith in our every day lives. We have a desire to be more than what we are and we believe that God has a plan and purpose for our lives that is better than anything we could think of. If you are searching for answers, trying to deal with the stresses of life, searching for a church in which to raise your children, or you want to deepen your relationship with God – whatever your reason for coming to this point in your life – we invite you to join us in worship and in the life of the church. There is a place for you! We would like to walk this life journey with you and help you discover just how loved, how precious you are in the sight of the Lord.
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion the first Sunday of every month. The Sacrament renews our commitment to God, to each other and to the world. The Sacrament reminds us of Christ’s sacrificial life and subsequent victory over death and our call to proclaim these things until Christ comes again. United Methodists practice an “open table” meaning that all people whether they are baptized, believer, or seeking, are welcome at the Lord’s table.
Church Information
Auburn United Methodist Church
207 S. Auburn Rd., Auburn, MI
989-662-6314 office@auburnumc.org
Pastor Carmen can be reached by calling, texting, or email at
989-745-4479, pastorcarmencook@auburnumc.org
Church office hours are Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Church services are Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM with Sunday School at 9:30 AM
In-person, digitally and on 92.7 FM locally.